Spivak Edition

Χ”Χ’ΧΧ•ΧŸ Χ”Χ¨Χ‘ Χ™Χ’Χ§Χ‘ Χ“Χ•Χ“ Χ‘ΧŸ Χ”Χ¨Χ‘ אברהם ב׀יוואק Χ–Χ¦"ל

HaRav Yaakov Spivak ZT”L (1944 - ΧͺΧ©Χ΄Χ” - Χͺש׀״א | 2021), a distinguished figure in the Torah world, was known for his deep erudition in Halacha and Kashrus. He led Kollel Ayshel Avraham as well as United Kosher Supervision. Rabbi Spivak spent his early years in Atlanta, Georgia, graduated from The Talmudical Academy of Baltimore in 1962, learned extensively at Ner Israel Rabbinical College and ultimately received Semicha from Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman. Eventually Rabbi Spivak settled in Monsey, New York. A beloved Rebbi, Rabbi Spivak shaped scores of talmidim with his profound teachings and heartfelt dedication. His influence extended beyond the Beis Medrash as he engaged in communal advocacy and utilized various platforms, including journalism and radio, to champion the causes of Klal Yisrael.

Rabbi Spivak was a dynamic educator who utilized the authoritative sefer "Hamadrikh" by Rabbi Hyman E. Goldin as a key resource in imparting semicha to his students. This Rabbi’s Guide played a crucial role in Rabbi Spivak’s semicha process, conveying practical wisdom in Jewish halacha, minhag, ritual, and ceremony, to aspiring rabbonim at his kollel. Rabbi Spivak’s legacy continues to inspire and guide generations of Torah scholars and leaders.

The reprinting of Rabbi Goldin’s Hamadrikh was initially commenced only for Rabbi Spivak’s Semicha program by one of his Musmachim. Since then, many have sought to add this timeless work to their personal libraries, and the need for further reprinting arose.

May the learning of this sefer be in Rabbi Spivak’s memory and Z’chus.